tomate orange berry Growing Conditions

tomate orange berry is a plant native to temperate and subtropical regions of the world. Physalis fruit is a herb that is almost like a tomato. Physalis is an orange fruit that is similar in size, shape and structure to a small tomato. The fruit is covered in paper bags that protect the fruit from pests. Fissalis fruit in texture is similar to a tomato, and its aroma and flavor are a mixture of sour fruits such as strawberries. Physalis can be used raw and can also be used in desserts, jams and jellies, and can also be dried.

tomate orange berry Growing Conditions

What is the Tomato Orange Berry?

What is the Tomato Orange Berry?	 Tomato orange berry is a bright fruit with a very sweet taste. This fruit is found in nomadic to medium size. At first, the green tomatoes are pale, and after full growth, they turn bright orange. This fruit has a very tasty taste and is well harvested this season. olden berry tree usually gives a lot of fruit. You can plant this fruit in different ways.

Fecalis fruit is very popular in European and American countries due to its unique taste. Physalis is a native Amazonian tropical fruit found in Africa and Asia. The plants of this fruit grow up to 1 meter in height and have small 3-ear shrubs. The fruit is orange-yellow in color. Each plant is able to produce 2 or 5 kilos of fruit if stored properly. This unique fruit, with a yellow-orange color, is about the same size as the jujube.

One of the benefits of this fruit is that it has a great effect on the freshness and freshness of the skin and strengthens sexual power. B-complex vitamins in this fruit, such as thiamine, are needed for a healthy metabolism of the body, skin, eyes and brain. Pectin is a fiber in this fruit that lowers cholesterol.

Best Climate to grow tomate orange berry

Best Climate to grow tomate orange berryBest Climate to grow tomate orange berry varies depending on weather conditions, but in general it can be said that the average temperature for growing tomatoes should be above 16 degrees Celsius, and if the temperature is less than 12 degrees Celsius, tomatoes are cold and If the temperature stays at this level or lower for a long time, cold damage will appear in the tissues. If the temperature is below 12 C for a short time, it may be offset by temperatures above that.

The optimum temperature for tomatoes is 22 to 24 degrees Celsius, and the average temperature above 27 degrees Celsius is not suitable. Low light intensity of less than 1000 feet of candle can affect plant growth and flowering. If the light is less than this value, additional light is needed to increase the intensity of the photoperiod.

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